Join now and become a Member!
Our membership year runs from September 1 to August 31.
Our annual membership fee is $15.00 for an individual, and $20.00 for a family residing in one household. Dues are payable by Interac e-Transfer, cheque or cash. New members are welcome to join any time during the year.
A membership is completed only when both the Membership Form and payment are received. Please follow the instructions below.
1. First, you must complete and submit our online Membership Form (please tap to open).
All fields marked with an asterisk * are required. Remember to indicate the volunteer opportunities that interest you, and to tap the SEND button to submit the form.
Or print out and fill-in the paper membership form (please click to open and print), and bring your completed form and payment to a meeting or to a member of the Executive, or send by mail to the Membership Secretary, Bath Gardening Club, as indicated on the print form.
Our Membership Secretary requires your form in order to register your name and contact information and to provide you with a membership card. Without your form any payment that you submit would be considered a donation to the Club.
2. Second, please pay your membership dues, preferably by e-Transfer following the E-Transfer Instructions below, or by cheque payable to the Bath Gardening Club, or cash. Remember to submit your Membership Form because the e-Transfer alone does not provide the Treasurer or Membership Secretary with your contact information.
We’d love to have you as members to participate and share in the enjoyment of gardening!