Presentations to the Bath Gardening Club

Medicinal Herbs – Melanie Saunders, Clinical Herbalist at Wise Owl Herbal Clinic, presented March 18, 2024

Hydroponics! The following links to hydroponics information were suggested by Limestone City Hydroponics at our meeting on January 16, 2023.

Bokashi CompostingCreating healthy soils, presentation by Astrid Muschalla, May 16, 2022

It’s all About Your Soil, Lawn care presentation by Larry Branscombe, March 21, 2022

Planning your Food Garden, Selecting, Planting and Saving Seeds – presentation by Dr. Cathy Christie, January 17, 2022

Eradicating Non-Native Invasive Plants. Summary by Astrid Muschalla from her presentation on May 17, 2021.

Native Plants for Sustaining & Sustainable Gardens. Peter Fuller, Fuller Native & Rare Plants, Belleville.
42-minute presentation. March 15, 2021.

Native Plant Recommendations. Peter Fuller. March 15, 2021.

Islamic Art and Gardens, photograph presentation. Resources on Islamic Gardens for further reading.
Courtney Ann Stewart, Senior Research Assistant, Department of Islamic Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. February 15, 2021.

The Psychology of BeesFloral Choices by Bumblebees – What they do and how they do it
Dr. Catherine Plowright, University of Ottawa, October 2020.